
D - 36

[ 好像真的没有认真的完成过一件事情 ]

D - 36 to SPM. 时间真的过的好快啊,还有 36 天,SPM 就来临了。在这里先预祝所有的在籍考生考获你们心中想要的成绩哦 

刚刚突然手贱,翻回了之前的博文来阅读。才发现,以前的自己真的说过想要做很多很多的东西,但是到现在,好像没有一样事情是我真的做了,而且持之以恒的。以前答应过要发布新的模板,结果到现在新模板的一个 code 都没有打过;以前明明说过要开网店,结果新的网店 page 还搁在那里,设置为 unpublic ;淘宝代购服务,也没有很尽心尽力去完成去进行,没有努力地去宣传它,来来去去都是旧顾客在找我代购,完全没有新的顾客。


还有 36 天,五个星期,就正式要上战场了。我还在泡剧看小说、熬夜刷微博而不是温习功课。身边的每个朋友都在为自己的考试奋斗努力时,我在干嘛?有时候真的觉得自己好不成熟。我需要动力、需要鼓励、需要某些人来推动我。


2014.09.28 Sunday 2200

21 / 9 / 14

( Hmm, I just deleted a draft which I had typed a long paragraph of my recent life. )

Hey, I'm back :) Once again, I changed my blog design. I will change the blog design according to my mood. The main colour of my blog is yellow and... The combination of blue and green? ( If you could remember, this combination was same as the colour of my previous design :P ) I will not say so much about the design lar, as you can see, it is quite simple and I do not need to explain so much about it :D

Well, let's back to my recent life. Three months time has passed in the blink of an eye. My trial exam passed too. Result? I haven't got it yet, but I knew that it won't be good as I didn't prepare myself enough in the exam. I admit that I spent most of my free time in watching drama, reading novel, doing nonsense things but not studying and I started my revision, 1 week before the exam I think. But, I think it is good for me, to make myself sad and depress. I'm trying to make myself realise the importance of exam. To make myself do not over-confident in any exam. I need to get a good lesson for me myself :)

In the past three months, I think that I have grown a little bit mature maybe. I started to think more mature, think of every consequence before I make any decision. But I think it is still not enough, I have to be more and more mature :) I'm actually not as strong as I think ; I'm not as smart as I think ; I'm not as good as I think. I'm still learning how to be a better, stronger and more mature person. Life is a process of learning, I could not agree more about this quote.

I learnt to accept other's opinion in the past three months. My friend used to say that I'm a bit arrogant in somewhere. I wish to change, and I'm changing and I hope I can change. I never ask about my friend that whether I have changed but I will ask her in one day. Sometimes, others' opinion is actually really important in helping yourself to be a better person. But, many people used to say that 'Hey, don't really care what others' talking about you. 'You can't control what others' thinking.' 'You can't fulfill everyone's demand.' These words are useful for me when I felt depress and sad sometimes. But once I went through it, I will start thinking, am I really wrong in this case? Am I doing something which is wrong? Should I listen and accept her criticism? All these question will jump out in my mind. And I will start to think. I think that this might be the process of being a more mature person :P Nothing much to say, just want to advise everyone who is reading this post, never be afraid to learn, to accept and to change. Maybe their words are sword, but, it is really useful and important for you.

Time to pen off. Good night and thanks for reading my post till the end.
- Jing